Fargo/Moorhead Higher Education Institutions
and pages of interest
North Dakota
State University
North Dakota State University is a student-focused, land-grant, research university — an economic engine that educates students, conducts primary research, creates new knowledge and advances technology. The university provides affordable access to an excellent education at a top-ranked research institution that combines teaching and research in a rich learning environment, educating future leaders who will create solutions to national and global challenges that will shape a better world.

Concordia College
Academics at Concordia are rooted in a global liberal arts curriculum that fosters creative thinking and developing a broad perspective. With a student-faculty ratio of only 12:1, classes are small — giving students the opportunity to work closely with highly accomplished faculty scholars dedicated to teaching and mentoring.

Minnesota State
University Moorhead
Minnesota State University Moorhead is an opportunity-rich learning community where students are empowered to reach their highest potential academically and personally. Exceptional faculty teach, advise and mentor, engaging students in collaborative scholarly research and creative projects that provide the experience to excel professionally and to be accepted into competitive graduate and professional programs. MSUM offers 76 majors and more than 170 emphases, along with 125+ student organizations, laying the foundation for a robust intellectual community and an active student life.